(FILES) In this file photo taken on July 20, 2017 Rapper Drake looks on prior to the International Champions Cup soccer match between Manchester City against Manchester United at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas..Drake has smashed streaming records on June 30, 2018, with his new album "Scorpion," with Apple Music and Spotify both reporting unprecedented listenership in its first day. Apple Music said on Instagram that the Canadian hip-hop superstar's fifth studio album was streamed 170 million times in the 24 hours since its release Friday. / AFP PHOTO / AARON M. SPRECHER
Rapper Drake hat mit seinem neuen Album einen neuen Rekord beim Musik-Streaming aufgestellt. Nutzer der Plattformen Apple Music und Spotify hörten sich das Album „Scorpion“ nach seiner Veröffentlichung am Freitag innerhalb von nur einem Tag insgesamt mehr als 300 Millionen Mal an, teilten beide Unternehmen mit.
(FILES) In this file photo taken on July 20, 2017 Rapper Drake looks on prior to the International Champions Cup soccer match between Manchester City against Manchester United at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas..Drake has smashed streaming records on June 30, 2018, with his new album „Scorpion,“ with Apple Music and Spotify both reporting unprecedented listenership in its first day. Apple Music said on Instagram that the Canadian hip-hop superstar’s fifth studio album was streamed 170 million times in the 24 hours since its release Friday. / AFP PHOTO / AARON M. SPRECHER
Auf Apple Music wurde das Album binnen 24 Stunden 170 Millionen Mal gestreamt, bei Spotify 132 Millionen Mal. Auf „Scorpion“ ist auch ein Duett von Drake mit dem verstorbenen „King of Pop“ Michael Jackson zu hören, außerdem ein gemeinsam mit Rapper Jay-Z aufgenommener Song.